Red clover

Product line:
Scientific name:
Trifolium pratense
Our varieties:


Product line: Leguminose
Scientific name: Trifolium pratense
Our varieties:


Red clover is a foraging plant with balanced energy and protein values, it improves the physical and chemical properties of the soil, can be cultivated at all latitudes and altitudes, and in fresh and humid climate conditions, which are its optimum habitat. Red clover is a pluriannual plant (2 to 3 years), with a long, strong, and branched taproot system.
Flowering is represented by rose, purple and violet clusters.

The preparation of the seed bed must follow good agricultural practices. Sowing may be mechanical, in 10-15 cm distant rows, or by scattering, at a depth of 1-2 cm.
The recommended seed ratio is 30-40 kg/ha.
This plants is not very demanding in terms of soil, provided depth and water drainage are good.
Spring sowing is recommended, although autumn is also acceptable in areas with very cold winters.
Red clover is a great crop for forage production, as it gives 2-3 crops per year.

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Millennium Green Srl
Nucleo Industriale Piano Grande
64010 Torricella Sicura (TE)

Tel: +39 0861 - 554406
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