
Product line:
Scientific name:
Medicago sativa
Our varieties:
Product line: Leguminose
Scientific name: Medicago sativa
Our varieties:

Alfalfa is the forage plant by excellence, thanks to its high productivity, long life, and re-sprouting capability. The forage produced is high quality, with a high protein content. Alfalfa improves the soil’s chemical and physical properties, is very drought resistant and adapts to any type of soil, provided it is not too acid. Thanks to symbiosis with rhizobium meliloti, capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen, this plant does not require nitrogen fertilisation. On the other hand, it is particularly sensitive to water stagnation, particularly in the vegetative stage. Thanks to genetic improvement, during the last years there has been the creation of several varieties, through mass selection or poli-crossing, which has resulted in the so-called synthetic varieties.
The selection of the variety of alfalfa must always be well thought based on the resistance, persistence, productivity, dormancy, re-sprouting capabilities, and resistance to diseases.

Alfalfa is a typical cutting forage plant and provides extremely good quality forage. The most suitable time for cutting is at the beginning of flowering, when approximately 50% of the plants are in flower. By cutting alfalfa during this period, one conciliates the needs of the plant to store good quantities of carbohydrates in their roots, which will ensure prompt re-sprouting and good resistance of the meadow, with those of the farmer, who aims at obtaining the maximum amount of digestible nutritional substances. Normally, the crop is harvested 3-4 times in hill areas, 4-5 on flat land, and up to 6 times in well watered areas.

Annual production of dry matter vary from between 60 and 80 ql./ha in hill areas, to 160 to 170 ql./ha in dedicated areas. Alfalfa is considered as the improving crop by excellence as it produces important positive effects for the fertility of the soil.

Sowing is normally carried out on bare, well prepared soil. The recommended seed ratio is around 30-40 kg/ha at a depth of 1-2 cm. The sowing bed must be prepared by ploughing at a depth of 35-45. On heavy soil ploughing is carried out in autumn, when the soil is relatively dry. At the end of the winter season bottom fertilisation using nitrogen (25-35 kg/ha) and phosphorous (100-150 kg/ha) is carried out, to help the crop establish, followed by sowing and rolling. Alfalfa adapts well to all types of soils, with the exception of waterlogged or acid soil. It is sensitive to low soil ph. (it prefers values between 6.5 and 7.5), and therefore it adapts well to clay and lime soils that are not too compact or loose.

Sowing is recommended in spring, as in this period the temperature conditions are ideal for good germination, the soil has the right level of humidity, and rainfall is sufficient for a good development of the root system.
On the other hand, autumn sowing is possible only if early in the season, so that the seedling can have time to develop enough to be able to withstand winter without damage.

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