
Product line:
Scientific name:
Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop
Our varieties:


Product line: Leguminose
Scientific name: Onobrychis viciaefolia Scop
Our varieties:


Sainfoin is a very rustic forage grass suited to the most varied soil and climate conditions. It adapts well to very limy, gravelly, and sandy soil, and can withstand high temperatures and drought.

It's used in monophyte meadows in the most favourable environments, and in oligophyte meadows in hill and mountain areas. In the early stages it does not withstand cold. However, when established it can take very low temperatures.

It is a very rustic product both for environmental conditions and adversities and, except in exceptional cases, it does not suffer from parasites or cryptogamic agents. Sainfoin is a rapid growth pluriannual plant, with an erect shape and easy re-sprouting capabilities, offering 2 to 3 crops per year.

It may be used in single plant meadows, or it can be mixed with other foraging plants. The preparation of the seed bed is very similar to that of alfalfa. Mechanical sowing is recommended, in rows at distances of 20-25 cm, although the scattering procedure is also very popular.

For single crop meadows, the seed ratio recommended is 60 to 80 kg/ha for bare seed, and 100 to 120/ha for dressed seed. Sainfoin is among the foraging plants that better adapt and contribute to enhancing poor soils, provided that these are not to acid. It’s suitable both for grazing and harvesting.

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Millennium Green Srl
Nucleo Industriale Piano Grande
64010 Torricella Sicura (TE)

Tel: +39 0861 - 554406
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